iMatrix-511/-511 silk Pre-mix method (WITHOUT PRE-COATING)
【 Download 】Protocol, CATALOG
The pre-mixed method markedly reduced the amount of substrate needed for the maximum adhesion of hPSCs compared with the pre-coat method.
【 Reference 】
Miyazaki et al. Efficient adhesion culture of human pluripotent stem cells using laminin fragments in an uncoated manner.
Scientific Reports, 7, 41165, (2017).
【 Press release 】
Below above Kyoto University WEB site.
Advantages of using iMatrix-511/-511 silk
- No pre-coating required
- Requires half iMatrix-511 /-511 silk
- No loss of cells and culture dishes


You can obtain the same results using half iMatrix-511/-511 silk.
Have you had difficulties with cell passages?
– The number of cells are not enough to the number of dishes.
– The number of cells are too many for the number of dishes.